Hmm…. well I have just nipped over to Barclaycard to see what kind of shopping tribe I belong too by taking their 60 second quiz.
Unsurprisingly perhaps it has deemed me a Bargain Hunter Gatherer
Here’s what they had to say about me followed by my analysis!
“I like to get good value for money so I shop around” (Very true indeed!)
You’re an expert at collecting the best tools, voucher codes and loyalty cards to make your budget go as far as possible, week in, week out. While the kids are doing their homework, you’re doing yours – grabbing the best savings for your family. (Absolutely!)
- You’re most likely to be female, married or living with your partner and living in the north of the UK.
-True(ish) I am female and married and I live in the Midlands - You lot are busy. Two thirds of you cleverly juggle your home, work and financial life. (YES!!)
- You’re not easily tempted by big discounts, only 35% of you have ever bought a non-essential item you didn’t need because of a special offer. (yes this is true I am not easily drawn in)
- Home really is where the heart is – 42% of you selflessly save your loyalty card points up for treats for the family. (Yes this is also true)
- You’re certainly not one to rush into Christmas shopping. You’ll bide your time and wait until the right price comes up – meaning you’ll likely strike the final week before Christmas. (Ah, not true my shopping is almost done)
- Bargain hunting’s in your blood. Once you smell a bargain, the hunt is on – two thirds of you regularly shop around different stores and websites to get the best deal before settling on a purchase. (ooh yes, this is true)
So largely this is correct I am a bargain hunter…most definitely! But not a last minute one 🙂 I always like to use loyalty cards and discount vouchers though. Barclaycard Freedom Rewards are a brilliant way to get added value to every shop you make, do have a look at where you can earn them!
What about you?
If you pop over and take the quiz then pop back and tell min comments below what you tribe you are you will be in the draw to win a £60 amazon voucher, how handy for Christmas!
If you fancy having a go at the quiz yourself click here
The winner will be picked at random by Baby Budgeting. No cash alternative. Over 18’s and UK resident only please. One entry per person. Ends 3 December at midnight
I am a bargain hunter which is mostly true. I do take my time to buy presents but then I start in the summer anyway lol! X
I got the same as you – A bargain hunter gatherer.
However I do live up north, and my Christmas shopping is done last minute more due to be disorganised rather than waiting for the best price 🙂
I am a high street pounder!
I’m a high street pounder-doesn’t sound good does it?
I am Bargain Hunter Gatherer
I’m a High Street Pounder
I am Bargain Hunter Gatherer
i’m a high street pounder
I Always Get Bonza Bargains on a Basement Budget
High Street Pounder. 🙂
I’m a High Street Pounder
Bargain Hunter Gatherer
A Screen Saver, not a huge surprise given my unwillingness to shop ‘offline’ 🙂
I’m a screen saver!
i’m a screen saver
Bargain Hunter Gatherer!!
I’m a High Street Pounder!
Sounds good to me! 😀 xx
I’m a high street pounder 🙂 xx
I’m a Profit Prophet, apparently.
A screen saver
I’m a High Street Pounder!
Bargain Hunter-Gatherer!
High Street Pounder
Bargain Hunter Gatherer
I’m a High Street Pounder, although I’m not married, nor female!
I’m a Screen Saver
I am a high street pounder, with I think is true
Profit prophet
bargain hunter gatherer
I’m a High Street Pounder
Bargain hunter gatherer
I’m a high street pounder
I’m a high street pounder
I am a high street pounder!
I am a profit prophet apparently, basically a planner, resulting in effective shopping and sensible savings. Probably very true, but it makes me sound really boring!
I am a High Street Pounder
I am a Profit Prophet! – pretty true though
I’m a High street pounder
I’m a Profit Prophet
I am a Screen Saver
I am a Profit Prophet
I’m a screen saver 🙂
I’m a profit prophet
I’m a high street pounder 🙂
I’m a profit prophe
High street pounder
I’m a high street pounder!
I am a Bargain Hunter Gatherer!
I;m a high street pounder
I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer
a profit prophet
Bargain Hunter Gatherer
I’m a profit prophet! I think my boyfriend would agree with that 🙂
I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer
I’m a loyal shopper haha.
I’m a Screen Saver!
I,m a High street Pounder
I am a bargain hunter gatherer
I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer, this is so true 🙂
I’m a screen saver
bargain hunter gatherer 🙂
High street pounder 🙂
I’m a High Street Pounder.
bargain hunter gatherer.
very true.
I’m a High Street Pounder
I’m a screen saver
Bargain bargain bargain thats me mostly ebay or the internet. i also check supermarket specials weekly to see whats on offer.
I’m a Screen Saver – perhaps in 2014 I should try harder to be a bargain hunter! 🙂 xx
I’m definitely a screen saver!
bargain hunter gatherer so true!
Definitely a price glitch bargain hunter guru!
A high street pounder
I’m a screen saver!
A bargain hunter gatherer and its very true too 🙂
Bargain hunter gatherer
I’m a High Street Pounder!
I’m a screen saver
I’m a Screen Saver. I do do most shopping online atm.
I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer too!xx
I’m a high street pounder
A bargain hunter gatherer.
I’m a High Street Pounder
I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer 🙂
I’m a High Street Pounder!
I’m a Screen Saver
I’m a profit prophet
I’m a Screen Saver, its quite accurate as I do like price comparing and shopping online for best prices.
Im a screen saver! xx
screen saver
i’m a screen saver
A Screen Saver which is very true 🙂
Im a Bargain hunter gatherer
I’m another bargain hunter gatherer here 🙂 No surprises there!
I’m a High Street Pounder
I’m a Screen Saver which sums me up pretty well.
high street pounder
I’m a Profit Prophet!
screen saver
I am a Profit Prophet which is perfectly fitting for me!! Very accurate! @criscurran
I’m a screen saver
high street pounder
I am a highstreet pounder
I’m a Screen Saver
I’m a bargain hunter gatherer
Im a bargain hunter gatherer
I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer – totally true!
I’m a high street pounder.
I’m a bargain hunter gathererer, very, very true
I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer!
High street pounder apparently!
Im a profit prophet !
I’m screen saver
Apparently I’m a High Street Pounder which doesn’t sound exactly right given the number of internet shopping parcels the postman delivered today!
I am a screen saver – I would absolutely agree with that!
I’m a profit prophet – all because I use spreadsheets 😮
A bargain hunter gatherer seems right
high street pounder
You’re a Screen saver
I’m a screen saver
I too am a Bargain Hunter Gatherer, definately me x
Highstreet pounder
I’m a screen saver 🙂
I’m a highstreet pounder.
I’m a high street pounder! It’s mostly accurate as I know my shop keepers names etc. and I’m savvy- I’m just not married 😉 !
I’m a Screen Saver.
I’m a screen saver
I’m a Profit Prophet
Bargain hunter gatherer
A screen saver. =8-)~
I’m a high street pounder
Bargain hunter gatherer
High Street Pounder – although I consider myself more of a bargain hunter!!
I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer too LOL 🙂
High Street pounder – I do love the high street! xoxo
I’m a Screen Saver
I’m a screen saver but I think I’ve a little bit of everything in me!
Bargin hunter! Thats me!
profit prophet
I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer
screen saver 🙂 I don’t really agree i do like to shop in stores
Bargain hunter gatherer
Profit prophet!
I’m a High Street Pounder,
Profit Prophet
high street pounder
I’m a screen saver
I’m a Screen Saver 🙂
I am a Screen Saver. Reading through the description, it is more or less spot on x
I’m a High Street pounder
I am a bargain hunter gatherer
I’m a profit prophet
I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer
Bargain Hunter Gather
high street pounder
I am a profit prophet
I’m a High Street Pounder, which is kinda right.
I’m a high street pounder
I’m a profit prophet
I am Bargain Hunter Gatherer
I’m a screen saver!
I am Bargain Hunter Gatherer, sounds like me 🙂
I’m a screen saver xx
I am a high street pounder
I came out with High Street Pounder
I’m a bargain Hunter Gatherer which is true
I am a profit prophet
I’m a bargain Hunter Gatherer
I’m a High Street Pounder!
bargain hunter
I am a Screen Saver
A bargain hunter gatherer
A Screen Saver
Bargain Hunter Gatherer
Im a screen saver
A bargain hunter gatherer
bargain hunter gatherer
Bargain Hunter Gatherer
bargain hunter gatherer!
A bargain hunter gatherer
I’m a screen saver
Bargain Hunter Gatherer
I am Bargain Hunter Gatherer
I am Bargain Hunter Gatherer
I’m a high street pounder 🙂
I am a high street pounder! lol 🙂
I’m a Profit Prophet – surprisingly accurate
I’m a High Street Pounder.
I’m a Profit Prophet 🙂
I’m a Screen Saver
A bargain hunter gatherer.
i am a high street pounder
I’m a Screen Saver 🙂
High Street Pounder
high street pounder
I’m a Profit Prophet 🙂
High Street Pounder
High street pounder *sigh*
I’m a Profit Prophet
High street pounder – not sure i agree with that one
High Street Pounder
I am a high street pounder! I do believe I am one of the people keeping the high street alive!
I’m a loyal shopper (true, I carry loads of loyalty cards)
im a high street pounder 🙂
I am a high street pounder! x x
Bargain hunter gatherer 🙂
Bargain Hunter Gatherer
bargin hunter gatherer but my other half is a high street pounder 🙁
bargain hunter gatherer!
High street pounder!
I was a screen saver
High street pounder
Im a screen saver I do lots of shopping online so pretty accurate.
Screen Saver 🙂
bargain hunter gatherer
Screen Saver
I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer!
I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer:)
I am a high street pounder!
High Street Pounder
I’m a bargarin hunter gatherer
I am a Bargain Hunter Gatherer
I’m a bargain hunter gatherer too. 🙂
I’m a high street pounder … ekk 🙂
High Street Pounder
“I’m a loyal shopper.
I love to strike a deal and shop locally whenever I can.”
I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer!
high street pounder 🙂
I am a bargain hunter gatherer and that fits me to a T!
I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer, which I would agree with and am currently trying to pass on to my daughter, who is due to start university next year.
I’m a high street pounder
I’m a High Street Pounder
Bargain Hunter Gatherer 🙂
A profit prophet
a bargain hunter for me
im a bargain hunter gatherer
Bargain Hunter Gatherer
I’m a High Street Pounder
I am a bargain hunter xx
Bargain Hunter! That doesn’t surprise me really! 🙂 I LOVE a good bargain
Minimus Spendus for Maximus Amountus
hmm i’m a screen saver!! with love, faye xx
I am a high street pounder!
Bargain hunter gatherer – sounds very much like me, always searching for bargains and trying to stick to a tight budget x
I am a A bargain hunter gatherer.- sounds right 🙂
I am a ‘High Street Pounder’
i’m a high street pounder
High Street Pounder 🙂 xx
I’m also a high street pounder
I am a Bargain Hunter Gatherer & it’s definitely in my blood because my mum is just the same & I know I got my skills from her!
I am Bargain Hunter Gatherer
Screen Saver
I’m a bargain hunter, prices seem to have got so much higher the last few years!
I’m a Screen saver 🙂
I’m a High Street Pounder
A bargain hunter gatherer
Screen saver
I’m a profit prophet!
I’m a Screen Saveer
I’m a profit prophet
I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer
I am a high street pounder!
screen saver, that’s me 🙂
I’m a high street pounder
I am Bargain Hunter Gatherer- sounds about right 😀
A bargain hunter gatherer. Maybe not over the Christmas period though as I’ve spent a fortune :S
I am a Bargain Hunter Gatherer
I’m a bargain hunter