I have reviewed a lot of products in my time as a blogger and it is not often that something comes along that makes my little family go WOW!
But oh my goodness, Playbrush is fantastic!
Never ever have my kids been so keen to brush their teeth and do it well. I honestly never thought I’d hear ‘Mummy, Mummy can I brush my teeth now!’
Playbrush is a smart device which transforms toothbrushes into gaming controllers and not only motivates kids to brush their teethy but actually teaches them how to brush correctly, thoroughly and in all the right places.
Each time you brush in one direction, you (the tooth fairy of Utoothia) are zapping the baddies. when you have thoroughly cleaned that side they are defeated. A simple, important game concept and just so much fun. I have to confess I have had a go myself!
How good is that.
How does it work
The Playbrush attachment fits onto any manual toothbrush, (so you only need one per family.). It connects via Bluetooth to a smartphone/tablet and kids can then play fun and motivational games whilst brushing their teeth.
The games have been created in a way as to motivate kids to brush twice a day, for 2 minutes, and all around their mouths.
Playbrush has been built with renowned dentists, so it really does encourage the best teeth brushing practices. It’s only 2 minutes of screen time but probably the best and most useful 2 minutes screen time your child will have all day!
You can find out more information about Playbrush here and have a little watch of this to see it in action
Currently on sale at just £19 Playbrush is worth every single penny and would make a great gift idea. For £5 more you can also by a sleeve for your smartphone to attach it securely to the wall I have been telling everyone about it!
You can order yours here