Dressing our lounge for Autumn on a budget

This morning when I woke I reached for my dressing gown and after my shower, I felt chilly and I even contemplated wearing a jumper.


My other half went outside to do our bins this morning (such a a glamorous life we lead) and he could see his breath. Back to school looms. Autumn is coming.


How I love Autumn. I love the fashion, boots and woolly tights, forgiving layers, cozy cardigans and refinding my comfiest woolly slippers.

I love to watch the leaves the ambers and reds and browns in the trees and to see them begin to swirl away and lay conkers at our feet.

It is true- autumn is a romantic season and brings with it bonfires and fireworks, new starts and longer evenings where we all hunker down a little earlier and somehow seem to have more time together.

I always like to adapt my home to the changing seasons and Autumn brings with it certain traditions in my home. We unfurl the red rug in our lounge, the woollen throws come out, the duvets get exchanged and the fans get put away.

I looked at my lounge this morning and thought..maybe it is time to make a start.

I have a mini plan for dressing our lounge for autumn on a budget.

I have a busy few months ahead of me work wise so redecorating for a start is decidedly a know. I will have to update with accessories. ..quick simple update that wont break the bak or eat into my prescious time.

A tartan throw is one of my must-have items this year and I just love this one I found on Amazon it perfectly matches the red of our sofa and adds a lovely healthier coloured zing too.


I used LionsHome to find it. Have you heard of LionsHome? Honestly it is a shopping revelation to me. It is an online shopping portal and when you pop in your search terms it literally searches 100’s of stores so you end up with a huge selection of products for an array of places rather than you individually having to go on and search each shop. Isn’t that super clever? In fact, they can access over 40 million products for you to look at from their filtered catalogue system  – how brilliant is that?

I have been looking at cushions at LionsHome. I know, I know,  I always go on about cushions when discussing a budget makeover but they really can just change a room in an instant for little cost and effort.

These velvet cushions would really ‘autumn up a room’ don’t you think? I found these at Very thorughLionsHome searching on velvet cushions. They are a perfect, snuggly texture for the chillier months.

What else would be on my budget makeover shopping list? Hmmm. I would probably add some lovely large candles and maybe a basket for our firewood.  We would hang our warmer curtains too and maybe add a couple of larger houseplants.

I can totally see it coming together.

By planning a little makeover I find myself looking forward to summers end and embracing it rather than bemoaning it. In this way, a little budget makeover can stave off the winter blues and be a really uplifting thing to do.

Do you adapt your decor to the season? Do you find little accessories and small changes can make a big difference?


collaborative post


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