E-Counseling – What is e-counseling and how does it work?

Have you heard of e-counseling? Let’s take a look at this growing form of therapy and how and why for some people and in some situations it is the best option.




What is e-counselling?

E-counselling is essentially counseling online rather than face to face.


Why do people need therapy online?

In times of Covid, e-counseling is obviously a booming business.

People are struggling with anxiety, depression, money worries, fears about the future and of the unknown. As well as this, many people are trapped in intense family relationships they cannot easily take breaks from. So much is going on.

It has just been announced that there is a recession, health worries are real and loss is present in many forms and in many peoples lives. People need therapeutic support more than ever and due to social distancing e-counseling proves the best solution.

Not all the issues/reasons for people wanting to see a therapist are current though perhaps there are unresolved issues from their past, ongoing problems with stress, a relationship that hasn’t been working for quite a while. There are many reasons to see or speak with a therapist and they are as individual as each one of us.




How does e-counseling work

Just like regular counselling sessions e-counseling sessions are provided by a certified specialist and can take place via telephone, e-mail, chat or videoconferencing. The times would be pre-arranged and boundaried and the sessions would be tailored to meet your needs. The same rules of confidentiality and safety would apply and therapists would make these explicit from the start.


The process of accessing online therapy

Let me talk you through the process of accessing online therapy/e-counseling

An e-counseling provider like BetterHelp would ask you for some basic information before assigning you with a therapist. BetterHelp is the largest online counseling platform worldwide so a great barometer for how such sites work.

You would be taken step by step through a questionnaire that focuses on building up a basic profile of you so, for example, it would probably include your age, gender, relationship status, etc. It would also ask you a few questions around your general health and wellbeing and ask you about sleeping, eating, physical health, self-harm thoughts and so on to help match you with an appropriate therapist.



Why do people choose e-counseling?

So why do some people choose e-counseling over face to face sessions?

  • Some people struggle with face to face sessions due to accessibility.
  • Some are busy and would struggle to make formal sessions due to work
  • Some people are too shy to really open up face to face

There are a myriad of reasons practical and personal but it really doesn’t matter why. Do what works for you but do reach out for help if you need it. There is no one and nothing more important in investing in that YOU.


Who is e-counseling NOT for?

Online therapy is not for people in crisis, those with severe mental illness or people at risk of hurting themselves. if you fall into any of these categories you need immediate face to face support or crisis intervention and I URGE you to contact them immediately for support.

In the UK that would be the Samaritans 116 123

I do hope this post on e-counseling has proved useful. Is this something you might choose to explore?


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