How Influencers Can Help Each Other #5frugalthings

Today I’m going to share with you where digital influencers find support and how influencers can help each other

I have had a week where people have very kindly shared good stuff with me to help me out and none of it has cost me a penny.


Where digital Influencers find support



How influencers can help each other

A little tour of my week showing you how and where I get support in my job as a digital influencer.


YouTube Peers

I belong to the UK money blogger community and today we just had a great online meeting of minds about YouTube where people shared their tips on how to share their posts. Tis a great community to join if you are a money blogger. A really sharing community led by Andy at Be Clever with Your Cash (a brilliant money-saving blog)

Here is my YouTube Channel if you fancy giving me a follow at Becky Goddard-Hill

Here is an example of the kind of videos I make: emotional wellbeing is at the heart of all my vlogging as well as creative family life and of course money-saving!



Blogging Peers

I also went for a coffee today with my good pal Jen who blogs at Love Chic Living she gave me a pep talk and I feel I have my blogging mojo back. EVERYONE needs a pep talk every now and again. Jen’s high energy and enthusiasm were contagious. Thanks, Jen. Seek someone out with high enthusiasm if you need one.


Podcasting Peers

I think I told you last week I had started a podcast and oh I do feel I have been needy. from asking on Twitter how to market it to asking people to listen to it and feedback on the quality I have relied on others. Huge thanks they have saved me hours! If you haven’t caught up with my podcast yet then here it is the Emotionally Healthy Kids Podcast !



Book Promotion Peers

Natalie Trice is the author of the PR guide your time to shine a masterclass in publicity. She has been SO kind to me with her time and support and really she is super smart. If you need PR help I cannot recommend her or her fab book enough.  You can find Natalie’s PR School here




My book Create Your Own Calm is out in just 4 weeks and actually I have another book scheduled for February release too!  They are doing pretty good so far we are waiting for a cover on the Create Your Own Kindness book. Take a look! At no.2 and 4 in hot new releases in their categories.

Both available for pre-order now.




Family Support

Last but not least I have been the recipient of much sharing and caring form my family – picking up where I have slacked this past week because I have had had rather a lot of work on and I’ve been a bit tired too. They are fab my family for sharing the load. In fact, I’ll just be off to thank them and give them a hug.


I hope you have had a week filled with support too.


Join the Linky

Come and link up your money-saving posts this week into the link below.  Do let your readers know that you’re linking up with the five frugal things linky by adding a little line to the bottom of your post like this one:

I’m linking up with this Cass Emma and Becky in this week’s ‘Frugal Friday’ linky.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


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