Today – People You’ll Come Into Contact With When Moving Home
We’re all well aware that moving home can be a stressful experience. This could perhaps be one of the main contributing factors towards the fact that the average person will wait 23 years between moves. However, there are various benefits that come hand in hand with moving home.
Some people brave the change in order to move closer to family and friends. Some take a different approach and want to move away from the towns and cities that they’ve spent their childhoods or formative years in – they want to experience new places and gain a sense of independence.
Others will move to attend their educational institute of choice, or to fall into catchment areas of higher quality schools for the dependents and children. Then there are the hosts of people who move home every year in order to gain a desired work position.
Regardless of your reason for moving, it’s likely that you’ll go through a fairly similar process to anyone else who has to shift from A to B.
People You’ll Come Into Contact With When Moving Home
We all have to pack our belongings up into boxes and get them from our current property to our new property and communicate with a whole host of individuals along the way in order to officially leave our current homes, secure our new homes, and make the transition from one to the other as smooth as possible. So, accept this!
Don’t try to go it alone and be well aware of all of the individuals and agencies who can help you to undertake this venture with as little stress as possible. Here are just a few points of contact you should bear in mind next time you make a big move!
Estate Agents
When you start your property search, chances are that you’ll turn straight to an estate agent for a helping hand. While technically you could just head straight to your area of choice and drive up and down the streets looking for “to let” and “for sale” signs, this is relatively inconvenient and at best you get to see the outside of the property – who knows what lies within? Instead, contact an estate agent directly and see what they have to offer. There are more ways to go about this than ever, so opt for whichever method is best for you.
You could keep things traditional and head into a brick and mortar estate agency where you can speak with an assigned agent face to face, letting them know what you’re looking for and seeing what they bring back to you.
However, perhaps the easiest option is to use estate agency websites and apps. Some of these are merely online versions offered by brick and mortar agencies. Some are solely online and can often offer lower agency fees and lower commission due to their reduced operating costs. Online options give you more freedom and less pressure.
You can choose filters to ensure your search throws up the best options to meet your needs. These can include number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, whether the property has a garden or not, and many more specific options. You can also browse results in ascending or descending price to see what falls into each price bracket.
Conveyancing Solicitors
If you’re planning on buying a property rather than renting a property, you could greatly benefit from the help of a conveyancing solicitor. A conveyancing solicitor specialises in property and property law. To put things simply, conveyancing is the legal transfer of a property from an existing owner to a new owner.
Collaborating with a specialist in this area will ensure that you definitely acquire the title deeds to the property you’re interested in purchasing, as well as the land deeds for the land that the property sits on.
The proper exchange of contracts essentially seals the deal. While both parties can easily back out of a deal before this point in the home buying process, the exchange of contracts legally commits both parties to the deal. This means that you can put your mind at ease, as you no longer have to worry about plans falling through. Generally speaking, conveyancing solicitors fees are more than worth the investment, as these individuals make the moving process so much more stable and reliable for you.
Letting agents
If renting your next property, you’ll likely come into contact with a letting agent who will let your property on your behalf and take on full responsibility for all aspects of the let, making your life a whole lot easier. Rentround helps landlords save on their rental costs by comparing letting agent fees & services for free
Once you’ve secured your property and moving day arrives, you’re going to be pretty excited at the prospect of moving into your new place. After all, it’s imminent! But moving day is often acknowledged as being one of the most intense and stressful parts of the moving process. Why? Well, this is when the time comes to actually move everything you own from one property to another. Handled incorrectly, it could prove pretty chaotic. Making a success of removal day really is down to organisation and accepting a helping hand. First things first, you need to ensure that you start packing well in advance of the set moving date.
Even if you think you’re lifestyle is minimal, chances are that you’ve accumulated all sorts of belongings that you’ll no longer need and do not need to transport. So treat the move as a decluttering opportunity! Try to dispose of your unwanted goods as responsibly as possible rather than flinging everything into a bin or a skip. Organise the items and donate or recycle as much as possible. Once you’ve decluttered, pack up one room at a time, leaving out only essentials.
Make sure that all of this is complete at latest by the evening before the move. The sooner, the less stress and pressure you’ll have to rush on your shoulders. Then pop your absolute essentials in separate bags or boxes as the final touch to your packing on the morning of the move. When it comes to moving the items, bring in the professionals.
Even if the move is relatively short distance, you don’t want to spend your entire trying to move things a few items at a time in your own vehicle. Not only is this time consuming, but you’re likely to damage some things along the way. Instead, professional removalists could help to load your boxes and furniture into a spacious van and make the entire transaction simple. They can also help you to unload at the other end. This gives you more time to either start decorating or start unpacking and settling in.
New Neighbours
Unless you’re moving into a detached property, far from any other property (and let’s face it, there are relatively few of those nowadays), you’re going to meet your neighbour at some point or another. These individuals will be spending most of their time literally next door to you, so it may be a good idea to introduce yourself.
This is more common practice in suburban and rural areas than major cities, but regardless of where you’re located, feel free to reach out a hand and build a relationship of sorts.
The benefits of getting on with your neighbours include having someone to keep an eye out for suspicious behaviour or incidents while you’re out of the house and a lower likelihood of complaints should you make a little too much noise occasionally. So, knock on the door and introduce yourself! They’ll probably be pleased that you’ve made the effort. Remember that you don’t necessarily have to become the best of friends, but a little polite small talk is always pleasant.
Believe it or not, this isn’t even a complete or comprehensive of every individual you’re going to cross paths with en route to moving home. But these are perhaps some of the most important. So make sure you’re familiar with them!
People You’ll Come Into Contact With When Moving Home is a feature post