Remember your renewal dates!
Do you remember when your renewal dates are?
Remember your renewal dates with AdminBox
I find this a real problem personally and often end up renewed before I realise it.
Are you completely on top of your household bills and admin? If you are then you are in the minority! Apparently, 60% of us Brits struggle with general life admin and this includes those pesky household bills and payment.
I have talked here many times about the importance of not just automatically renewing policies as potentially
a) you could get stuck with a high tariff when better options are available
b) your circumstances could have changed and this may no longer be the optimum policy for you
If you do know your policy is up for renewal you have a chance to really shop around, checking out the comparison sites and making a few calls. You really could save yourself a great deal of money.
Easier said than done?
Not at all. keeping tabs on your renewal dates is a lot simpler than you can probably imagine right now. I have boxes and files and bits of paperwork everywhere but ir really does not have to be this way!
Let me tell you about AdminBox
It is the solution to all your household admin woes and in keeping you on track with your renewal dates it could also be considered a fabulous money saving hack!
So what is it?
Well AdminBox is basically a virtual box for your household admin! It enables you to manage your household bills and admin including your renewal dates in one single and secure account. Begone errant bits of paperwork that litter your home. This is a solution for organised and modern thinkers. Thats you by the way!
It is super simple to set up. All you have to do is select a category, add your providers and build your AdminBox dashboard. It has 20+ categories of household bills and admin and it automatically populates your dashboard with provider details, such as website and policy details, customer services phone number and opening hours. Isn’t that just bloomin’ brilliant! You can also share it with friends and family members which is a real bonus.
You get a free months trial and after that, it is just £2.99 a month. That’s got to be worth it if you can, from now on, check your policies and compare them before you renew right?
I love a simple solution to a finance problem and this one makes complete sense to me!
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Remember your renewal dates with AdminBox is a collaborative post