Have you ever considered storing clothes in a self storage unit?
Maybe you are thinking about storing clothes and other possessions that you know you will need one day but right now you just want to be safe and out the way?Maybe you are off to university and need to take very little with you.
Perhaps you are downsizing to a small payment or movie home and cannot take all your clothes with you but don’t want to part with them. Or maybe you are off travelling for a year closing up your home and need to keep your personal possessions somewhere safe?
Unless you have a friend with a very large, completely empty wardrobe (which I have to be honest, is extremely likely you are going to need to consider a self storage unit
Storing Clothes in a Self Storage Unit
Storing clothes in a self storage unit might be the only option you have but it also might be the very best. If I was relocating to Reading and needs a small apartment but somewhere to house my clothes I might well check out Now Storage Self Storage in Reading.
They offer clean and safe long or short term storage totally suited to your needs so even for relatively small space requirements with items such as clothing this could be a great option.
Storing clothe in a self storage unit is a much better than housing your clothing with an unwilling friend who may suddenly change their mind. Or back with your parents who m you might really annoy.
Being able to store your clothes with enough space around them and properly hung so they aren’t all crumpled in suitcases or shoved up a loft in a box also keeps them in much better condition and prolongs their life.
How to prepare for storing clothes in a self storage unit
These are the steps you need to take to prepare your clothing for storage:
- Be ruthless in your decluttering – anything you have not worn for a while does not need to be stored it needs to go!
- Repair buttons, hems, etc before storage or you will get a nasty surprise later
- Wash all items but don’t bother to iron them before packing
- Vacuum packing really does save space but over times isn’t great for natural fibres so if you are going to be storing for any length of time over couple of weeks then use plastic boxes.
- Even though you aren’t ironing them still take your time to fold them with care so you are not putting any stress or strain on seams or zips or colours. Place heavy items like coats at the bottom of the box and lighter items like silk blouses on the top.
- Label, label, label!
Your clothes are precious to you and deserve to be packed away properly with care and stored somewhere well they will be safe till you are ready for them once again.
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