You know you are a thrifty blogger when….

You know you are athrifty blogger when..., thrifty blogger, frugal blogger

I have been a thrifty blogger since 2007. I have my UK parenting blog Baby Budgeting that talks about raising a young child on a budget. I have my Thrifty Home blog where I talk about interiors and home-making on a budget and I have this blog Family Budgeting which is about all aspects of frugal family life. In 2013 I was thrifty blogger of the year at the MAD Blog Awards

Along my thrifty blogger path I have met a fair few other thrifty bloggers.  Some pretty hardcore like Jane at Frugal Queen and some less hardcore but nevertheless super savvy like Emma from Mum’s Savvy Savings)

I have noticed thought that thrifty bloggers for some reason seem to be very generous bloggers, always willing to give of their time and support.

They do seem to have some other things in common as well,  quite a few things actually .

I think you just know you are in the thrifty blogger niche when you find yourself doing at least 3 of the following…..

1) You take lots of photos in charity shops (whilst trying not to look too odd)
2) You get invited to review caravan holidays whilst your bloggy friends go on cruises
3) You craft from your recycling bin with PRIDE
4) Your idea of a fashion spread isn’t a posed Boden review but a celebration of thrifty fashion from the sales or second hand shops
5) You always, always include the price in a product review and comment on it.


I am proud to be a thrifty blogger. What could you add to this list my thrifty blogger pals?





  1. May 12, 2015 / 16:30

    Oh so so true- I’d love that cruise email but I’m happy with butlins too!! Thanks for the mention!

  2. Frugal queen
    May 12, 2015 / 21:19

    I only holiday self catering and cook Andy freeze food to eat when I get there. I only go on holiday when I can book direct, get cash back when I order through Quidco……I could go on xxx thanks for the mention xx

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