Are you Inspired by The Apprentice?

Today – Are you Inspired by The Apprentice?

I always thought I would work in the caring profession as a social worker and therapist that’s certainly what I trained for. However as I have got older I’ve become increasingly entrepreneurial. I get really excited nowadays by programmes like the Apprentice and wish I was in a position to have a go. Not really possible / compatible with young family life and I’m probably a bit old for the apprentice but I would love a shot.

I saw Peter Jones last week on TV interviewing the owner of the Range stores who made his way from market trader to multimillionaire through sheer ambition, cheek and graft.

It’s not just the money (though I would like a house on the beach and financial security for my kids) it’s the thrill of the chase that excites me. I do think at some point that I would like my own little business.

I have some ideas…

becky goddard-hill

Art has always been a particular love of mine and perhaps a little online gallery would be fun to manage selling absolutely original pieces of art on behalf of others.


Are you Inspired by The Apprentice? I am

I have a few product ideas for kids that I would love to turn into real products and sell them on.

I would like to develop EQ training materials for schools and parents to support young people’s emotional expression. I would like to deliver training alongside these.

I think to get any of these ideas off the ground I would need to be very practical… some things need handling head on from the start. Outlay costs are vital to assess as are insurance needs. Places like do tailored insurance policies that fit individual needs.

I would have to get some like-minded people around me to share ideas with and cheer me on and I would need to have some measurable targets. Mostly though I would need to be brave and just go for it.

Which Idea shall I start with?



Are you Inspired by The Apprentice? is a commissioned post you might also like my post on small business ideas worth exploring


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