How saying no can save you money #5frugalthings

Saying no can save you money and this week I have been practising!

How saying no can save you money

This week I said no to Black Friday/Cyber Monday etc. and kept my money in my pocket. I am so easily swayed by a great offer on a perfume or yet another echo dot and none of these things are needed here so I tried hard and ignored it all.

This week I said no to a beauty advent calendar for me even though I have been SO tempted by the beauties I have seen on Instagram elsewhere

This week I said no to shopping a day earlier because food was getting a bit thin on the ground instead we made do and eeked it out. Surprising what lurks in the cupboards

This week I said no to jumping in a taxi home from the city centre because I was cold and tired. I waited out on the bus.

This week I said no to taking a day off even though I have a cold and a  feeling a bit run down. I need to hustle at the moment as I am slightly overdrawn and that is not a good place to start December, so I have eased the pace but ploughed on. I have lots of  thrifty Christmas tips here so do take a peek

Saying no can save you money and be a great way to make savings.


How saying no can save you money


I did say YES however to a David Lloyd free day pass – a free day off working is MUCH needed here. Saying no can save you money – we just need to practise.


The Fabulously Frugal Things I’ve Done This Week Linky rules:

We’d love you to join in with us by sharing what frugal and thrifty things you’ve been up to this week – whether it’s an Instagram picture (#5frugalthings), a blog post or even a video. Just add your link to the linky at the bottom of this post.

You don’t have to share five things you’ve done, anything thrifty or frugal that you’ve been doing is perfect.

We’d like to make this a great little community linky so it would be brilliant if you could comment on a couple of the other blog posts linked up. We’ll make sure that we comment on all posts and if you have a Pinterest friendly image then we’ll Pin your post to one of our boards too.



How to say I can't afforfd that, saying no can save you money

Please let your readers know that you’re linking up with us by adding a little line to the bottom of your post like this one: I’m linking up with Cass Emma and Becky in this week’s Five Fabulously Frugal things I’ve done this week linky.




For those of you really intested in saing money have a look here at my list of the best frugal blogs  and here at ways in which your home could make you money



  1. November 30, 2018 / 09:58

    Totally agree with you, saying no is so important at this time of year! Not just to save money but because time is so precious too. I have a post with a similar title sat in my drafts, and I’ve had to say no to that too- I just don’t have time to finish it! We are trying to lower our grocery bill at the moment, and avoiding shopping between meal plans is one of the ways we are trying to save, its surprising what you can make with a little thought & creativity! Hope you are feeling better soon x

  2. December 1, 2018 / 13:50

    Couldn’t agree with you more! We don’t need so much stuff so saying no more often is good for our wallets and the planet.

  3. Franklin Kendrick
    December 18, 2018 / 19:42

    I have been trying to follow this advice, but I must admit I slipped up a bit this season. There were a few deals for myself that I caved in for – and I think that the timing of these caves have definitely had a swaying factor, since I had already finished all my family shopping and wanted something for myself. I definitely didn’t need it, but I am also a sucker for sales. Moving into January, I’m going to try to cut waaay back on pleasure purchases and stick with the essentials.

  4. December 26, 2018 / 12:43

    It’s good to say no to unnecessary parties, shopping online stuffs that you don’t require at all, you buy them only because you see it or it looks good. Or you go to the market without preparing a list of items, you need and you suddenly purchase anything which deteriorates your monthly budget.

    A really good article, Thanks for sharing!

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